Archibald Family

Archibald Family

Saturday, December 25, 2010

From Our House to Yours

We wish you a very Merry Christmas!

May the Prince of Peace fill your lives!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Delayed Beginning

We have been hussling.  Being that Duane and I are both throwers and don't like to keep anything that we know we aren't going to be using, we wonder how we have a daughter that keeps everything!  It also happens to be the daughter that will be sharing her room with two other girls.  Needless to say, we have been doing a LOT of throwing out and have filled the garbage.  May I also add that she isn't my most organized child, and puts anything anywhere ... surprised to say, it has taken me four full days to go through her room!

My parents are coming next week too.  We are always excited this time of year, for it is the time they come here and we get them all to ourselves.  But my house is totally not ready!

My carpets are going to be cleaned on Friday...a totally welcomed gift!  But may I remind you of all that needs to be done, in order for that cleaning?  I think I have decided to take everything out of my one daugher's room because of the lack of cleanliness.

We received a call yesterday that it looks like our new additions will not be joining us for Christmas.  We are a bit sad, because everyone should be home for Christmas.  However, when I see all the details I would like done before a new chaos enters our home this is a welcomed gift.

It appears we need to take a class, have first-aid and CPR, and get more fingerprints done ... then they can come.  So in the midst of craziness in our home, we have more to do to bring these kids in.  And we will do it, because God is our strength.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Love His Children

I confess I'm a detailed person, and I guard my heart like most.  When I do completely surrender everything to God I find a new enjoyment in life.  BUT there always seems to be some point I start asking questions through a panic state and then try to work out the details.

I'm at that point.

What I didn't mention yesterday was the time table of everything.  I'm on vacation for a week.  I will also only have one week to get ready:  organizing rooms, setting up beds and Christmas shop.  It can be done - but it's going to take a lot of effort.

During my time of preparing, planning and working out details, I heard my doubt question "What if this doesn't work out, and these kids don't stay?".

First, I remembered sitting in my pastor's office seeking his counsel.  His advise for me was to learn to recognize this voice and cast it off.  So that is what I did.  And then I turned that very question back to God.

You know what He told me?  "To love His children and He'll take care of the details."  

So that is what I'll do.  I don't know the outcome, and I don't know what the details look like but I do know that I can love as He continues to love me.

When I vision these new additions in our home ... I know that our schedules will be more than full, the dinner table will be full, the house will be full and the car will be at it's maximum capacity ... and our hearts will be overfilled with love.  We look forward to following this adventure we are on.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

THE Call

Today was a bad morning...extremly bad.  I didn't have a nice thing to say to anyone, I'm ashamed to say.  The girls seem not to be making wise choices.  There is always one day like this when one parent is away.  I'm exhausted, as I am trying to do all the day to day stuff as well as getting ready to make my get-a-way.  The stress of it all isn't becoming on me this morning.  This just isn't a good morning.

Apparently the phone rang, because there is a message.

It's our social worker.

Apparently there are some children in the Colorado system who are in need of  permanent home as of yesterday.

After consulting Duane - I called.

I can't explain the knowing we have that these kids belong with us, but there is that knowing.  So many things have simply worked out.  Too many things I was hearing and sensing....all making sense now that it is exposed.

God's timing is perfect.  As we weren't excited about the timing of Duane's trip, but find that this is to be a perfect gift to be able to get restored and energized as we try to juggle a new transition in our home.

We have let go, and we can finally breathe again.  We have allowed God's leadership on this journey once again.

We casted our net.  We caught more than our fill, for God has abundantly filled it.

We are standing up to this calling, and I am doing it scared - but the odd thing is - I have found an over abundance of peace that fill both of us instead.

And as for our evidence of our double portion ...we are going from three kids to six.  Yes, that's right...three more kids are coming into our home!

This is the craziest ride we've been on with God.  But we're enjoying the ride!

We received an email from our social worker that said "Karen, I never get calls about children waiting in the foster care system.  The call came to me at my agency in __.  It was just so weird and out of the blue.  Very interesting!"

We think it is ... very God!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Our Double Portion

Instead of their shame my people will receive a double portion,
and instead of disgrace they will rejoice in their inheritance;
and so they will inherit a double portion in their land,
and everlasting joy will be theirs.
Isaiah 61:7

There has been an awesome out pouring of God on our church these past couple of years.  We have been privileged to hear so many healings, so many encounters of God and many, many miracles - and all unique and different from the one before.  Our family has each experienced God's healing ourselves at different times and in different areas.  We are grateful. 

When our senior pastor retired, and our new pastor stepped up to the role, the double portion (like Elijah to Elisha) was passed to the new pastor, who in turn did not keep it to himself but yet shared it with each person in the congregation.  As he prayed over each person - young and old, we all sought something - I sought the gift of prophesy and a deeper belonging with God.  It was my heart's cry to be exactly where God wanted me, and I longed to see His favor.

I can't say I have seen tangible evidence of my double portion.  Yet peace remains.  And favor upon me rests.  But I do confess I'd like to see tangible evidence.

Beth Moore read the above verse during our study.  Something stirred within me.  Will I finally see the evidence I have longed for?  Only  time will tell.

Do It Scared!

Duane and I continue to see things differently. He believes a child is coming here locally and I still believe he/she is coming from Africa. However, I question if my belief is because my heart is still in Africa and it's just too wrapped up in the passion for this continent.

I have contacted social workers about kids in our American system, only to receive letters of rejections because we aren't the best matched family - at least by what the paperwork shows them.

As I continued to look into these foster-adopt kids, my heart breaks for them. All these kids are in the system because of somesort of abuse, neglect or parents choosing drugs and alcohol over their own. My heart went out to them. But may I remind you, that I have three girls that I must protect. Through all these rejection letters, and the evidence why we aren't the best matched family I have become very scared. My heart is full of compassion for these kids, but fear of the after affects of what these kids have gone through just keep me more than an arm's length away.

"Do it scared!" is what I am reminded - and more than once.

I remember a specific lesson in my Beth Moore study. We were studying Our Inheritance - how we are heirs of God and co-heirs of Christ. She said that we must press through fear to possess our land of promise (which is what God's calling on our lives). She also states that there will always be a river of fear seperating us from that promised land. The calling we have is something we're afraid of. She challenged us to press through that fear - do it scared! It is through the process of pressing on, fear will be removed.

The list goes on why all these kids are in the foster system - all the reasons that scared me. Please tell me this isn't my calling! I reminded God - "do You remember my heart for Africa that you gave me?" I know the kids there have issues too, such as abandonment and neglect - but "please God don't call me somewhere else!"

However, the evidence shows us the bottom line - emails of rejections keep coming in. Not only are we continually rejected, but continue to see the many many labels our society puts on these kids. These labels just cause me to second guess our pursuit for adoption.

We keep hitting closed doors - this journey we are on, just seems pointless.

Cast your Net!

Afterward Jesus appeared again to his disciples, by the Sea of Tiberias.  It happened this way:  Simon Peter, Thomas (called Didymus), Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples were together.  "I'm going out to fish," Simon Peter told them, and they said, "We'll go with you."  So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.
Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the discipes did not realize that it was Jesus.
He called out to them, "Friends, haven't you any fish?"
"No," they answered.
He said, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some."  When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.
John 21 1-6

During the same time God was asking me to let go, I continued seeking God for answers to some pretty tough questions.  I had been wondering why I must carry this burden for adoption and even wondered if my desire for adoption was simply mine or if it was God's.  And beyond all these questions I looked at all this paperwork we have invested in and pleaded with God "please don't let it go to waste".

"Cast your net", God said to me.

I didn't understand this command God was telling me.  Did I hear Him right?  If so, what does it mean?  And so I have been "camping out" on this passage, and the scriptures that follow for the past couple of weeks.  I was seeking what God was trying to tell me. 

Through much prayer and process of letting go, we "casted our net" by simply telling every contact we had (that has to do with adoption) about our journey and that we are paper ready.I appreciate our church and the pastors there.  As I sought counsel from one of our pastors, God showed up. 

I remember my pastor telling me that he believed we weren't going to spend one more dime for our adoption.  My spirit stirred.  But my mind couldnt' grasp it.  I remained in confusion.  However, no matter what state my mind was in, my pastor confimed something in my heart:  that adoption was the heart of God's and He has given us this burden.

We were currently casting our net looking into Colorado foster/adopt kids, other state foster/adopt kids, Ethiopia and Ugandan children.  These were all our connections. and we were lost as to the direction we were to go. 

Eithiopia was the most promising in my eyes - as our home study agency were extremly supportive and willing to give us grants.  We continued to run into closed doors with the Colorado and other state foster/adopt kids.  Duane sensed we were to seek here and I believed Africa was still our direction. 

I continued to ponder the passages in John, and what stood out to me is that the net was so full they couldn't bring it into the boat.  There was more than enough.

As we were decorating and making preparations on Thanksgiving weekend, I had a knowing in my spirit:  there was going to be a rush for whaterver child comes into our home - whether it's Elijah or another.  It just didn't make sense...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Letting Go

Letting Go.  Action words.  And two words that can be so hard to do.  Two words that can take on different meanings to so many people.  And two words God has been asking me to do latly.

Sometimes we don't see the gloom or the heaviness we are under until we are able to get out from under it and see behind us.  And I believe that is where we are at.

Many of you have been following our adoption journey.  You have lifted us faithfully in prayer and have rooted us on.  You have literally kept us on our feet when we couldn't stand anymore.  For all you have done ... thank you!

We saw some dates quickly approaching ( renewing of immigration fingerprints, home study renewal and immigration paperwork renewal) - all coming due, and with a hefty cost for each of them.  The cry of our hearts is to be faithful to our Faithful One.  Seeing these dates, and having the desire of our heart brought conflict and fear within me.  It has drained me and has brought a differenet kind of tiredness I have never experienced before.

I questioned God:  why me?, what must I do to received a break through?, and what have I done to receive this punishment?.  I am thankful God is big enough for these tough questions.  With these questions I was left with pain and hurt.  And a pain I knew too only God could heal.

Images of the vision I had that started this journey came to mind.  Reminders of clear answers to prayers came to mind.  And with all these reminders and with all my emotions I confess I don't understand it all.  And I guess that is where this has started.  I have recognized my mind can't even fathom Gods'.  His ways aren't always mine, no matter how much I try.  He is much greater!

Bottom line is God was literallly going to provide us the finances or we were going to have to "let go" (as He has been telling me).  Finances didn't come in.  My fingers started loosening from this grip I have had on this journey...but still didn't want to let go...not yet.

I explained to God I have so many people watching us.  I have so many people praying and supporting us and that many more doubting and even cursing our journey.  I wanted to show them He triumphed over all this.  Pride was getting in my way.  I didn't want to let any of you down.  My focus was filtered along the way.  I must live for God ... no anyone else!  Recongnizing this pride loosened more of my already loosened fingers. 

Even though my mind was hearing and recognizing this hard place I was in with God, I couldn't allow my heart to experience the pain with it all.  My heart already hurt, and I didn't want to feel anymore of what I already have.  I was afraid of the pain - for I knew it was going to be so great that I might not even be able to ever breathe again.

I believe nothing is left to chance.  God knows who or what will cross our paths, and allows those things to come our way.  And makes everything good.

I am facebook friends with someone in Liberia.  Someone who is pretty close to the adoption situation there.  Someone who calls me "Sister Karen".   Someone who stands in Christ and yet is so very much a part of his country.  I was talking to him about ideas of how to better his country, and it was through this conversation adoption came up.  It was then crystal clear - adoption wasn't going to be moving anytime soon - if at all.  Corruption is ruling this country.  Also the minds of every Liberian person was going to have to change.  Simply, I can't do it.  Only God can.

With all the strength I had left I lifted my opened hands and let go of Elijah and Ruth into Gods'.  We weren't going to renew any paperwork, unless God clearly said to.  When Elijah and Ruth are able to come home it is then we'll reinstate our paperwork.  But now we let them go.

With feet still dragging I emailed our agency and told them our situation.  Surprisingly, they supported us 100% and offered us so much kindness, support and understanding.  There was peace.

My heart still remained broken.  The pain has been overwhelming.  I still questioned and longed for understanding.  Today with the strength and humiliation I had left, I sought counsel from our pastor.  My heart was grieving and I was lost.  Words that were said confirmed convictions I have experienced in the past and stirred something in my soul.  It isn't until later I will see the fruit of that stirring.  Questions I was asking God were dealt with and healing began in that office.

But today that is where we stand - fully surrendered to the Only One we rest in.  I have let go of something I have passionatly held onto with a very firm grip and given it to the One who is able.  I can't say I understand this journey we have been on.  But I also rest that I don't have to.  I also can't say that my heart has stopped hurting - but it's still beating.  But I do seek comfort by my Healer and I'll continue to walk this journey with Him. 

This adoption is all His.  Elijah and Ruth are His.  And so am I.

Monday, November 29, 2010

An Unsuspecting Gift!

It was just about two weeks ago we found out Duane has been asked to travel to Puerto Rico for business.  This is actually a huge honor for him. He, along with about a dozen others (worldwide), have been asked to come and take this calss.  He was the only one asked from Colorado.  He is honored and excited to take the class, but he never enjoys the time away from his family.

I wasn't excited about the timing of this trip, as he left today.  However, I am excited for him.

My cup seems so dry these days.  There seems to be a huge burden on me, one I can't seem to escape from.  I feel all used up with nothing left to give.  It seems I have someone constantly next to me, all the time.  I even experience guilt (which is not of God) as I long for just one moment of peace and quiet.  My quiet times have been removed from my schedule and replaced with more things to do.  My plate is full ... and I feel so empty.

Duane saw the place I have been in.  He wanted to give to me, nurture me and replenish everything that has been taken from me. 

He booked me a ticket and I leave on Friday to join him in Puerto Rico!  I get to have a full weekend with my husband, of uninterupted time with just him!  And then five full week days of solitude with only my Father to reconnect and draw close.

Duane and I are very excited!

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Christmas Season is Here!

The season is officially amoung us.  This is the day for turkey sandwiches as we hunt for the perfect trees.  Final touches are in place outside our home as Duane makes sure each lightbulb is in its place and the Christmas cut outs (I have had since a little girl) are perfectly placed.  This weekend the trees will be strung with lights, then decorated with ornaments that remind us of times past.  The house will be filled with decorations to remind us of the season we are in.  Yes!  The season has officially arrived!

As I prepare for our family traditions and the coming of my Savior's birth, I also prepare my heart to fully welcome His coming.  I never want the coming of Christmas to be the same as the years past, or even miss it; but rather I want to experience His coming in a whole new way.  And that is my prayer for you.  May this Christmas season bring you a whole new experience of the birth of our Savior, the birth of the Greatest King ever known.  And as your prepare for your own traditions, may God stir something new in you too so you'll be ready for the MOST incredibile gift.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

We Give Thanks

Thanks be to God for HIs indescribable gift!
2 Corinthians 9:15

I am thankful for Thanksgiving!  I am thankful for the days leading up to Thanksgiving that we spend just getting ready to be thankful.  I am thankful for the time set aside to be thankful.  I am thankful for family and friends who surround the Thanksgiving table as we all give thanks.

I couldn't imagine giving thanks without knowing the One to give thanks to,.

I also couldn't imagine starting our Advent without Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving sets our hearts, reminds our minds of all the things God has given us and humbles our spirit.  It sets the stage as we anticipate the coming of our KIng.

This Thanksgiving our famiy shared each of their favorite scriptures and gave thanks to the One who has touched us according to the words read.  We are thankful for His word.

This year I am thankful.  I am thankful for His outpouring of blessings, for family and friends, and for His continued provisions.  I am thankful for the One I have to be thankful to, for the best Book ever written and the day itself to set aside and give Him thanks.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad!

Tomorrow is my dad's birthday.  I wish we were closer so we can spend some time together - laughing and being silly - the things we do best.  I spent some time reminiscing yesterday.

I was brought up as an only child (except in the summers).  Most children have their siblings to get into trouble with.  To wrestle with.  To watch scary movies with.  To laugh with.  And just simply see what lies around the corner with.  Most people have their siblings.  I had my Dad. 

I remember getting in trouble WITH my Dad because we were so loud wrestling on the family room floor.  I remember being at a nice dinner at friends houses, and us having to NOT look at each other knowing we would bust out laughing and get in trouble for it.

I remember my Dad having a routine when he came home of putting his lunch box away in the kitchen closet.  I hid myself in there, and scared him to DEATH when he came home. 

My Mom often thought she had two children.  She reminds me that I grew up and moved out.  He still remains.  What she doesn't say, but is known ... the laughter and joy my Dad brings is treasured.

But out of all my fond memories, at this time of year I remember one above the rest.

The rule at our home was whoever got
tp'd, had to clean it up.  I often had to clean up our yard ...  very often.  My Dad stood and laughed.

Dad's birthday lied around the corner.  Plans were made.  My friends and I took a hundred or so rolls of toilet paper and tp'd my own house.  It wasn't just any ordinary job for any ordinary man ... we had to make it memorable for the man he is.  We wrapped the toilet paper around each rod iron post.  We wrapped the trees.  I shredded the toilet paper to say "Happy Birthday Dad" in the lawn ... and sprinkled it down with water.  (Yes, knowing it would make clean-up even that much harder).  I stayed up way late that night.  You see, my Dad is worth it!

My Dad was extremely surprised.  And even more surprised when I reminded him of the house rule ... and Mom backed me up. 

It was a great birthday present!

So Dad, consider yourself lucky to be living so far away.  I still remember how to tp and I have three girls who would LOVE to learn!  Have a Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow ...

"This is the day the Lord has made and I WILL rejoice and be glad in it!" 

Our family is sad today.  We have to put our beloved rabbit down.  We just had to do the same thing with our dog four months ago, so the wounds aren't healed quite yet.  Today my heart is full - sorrow for my own loss, sorrow as I watch my children walk through this, and sorrow as I remember.

Daisy was brought into our home to be part of the kindergarten class when Katie's teacher's rabbit died.  Katie missed the classroom pet and had it on her heart to replace hers.  Mrs. Nass was "generous" to ask that we keep him.  This led to carrying Daisy back and forth to kindergarten for two years.

Daisy loved kids.  Loved attention.  Loved vegetables over his "real" food.  Loved banana chips best of all!   He loved to chase Lindsay's cat, which brought much entertainment.

Daisy moved with us from California to Colorado.  We took him out at every rest area to hop around.  He drew a crowd everywhere we went.  Daisy was a great rabbit. 

Today I not only remember everything about this rabbit, but I can't help but remember the last ten years when my girls were younger than they are now.

You see I remember my middle child, 5 years old, with a heart of wonder.  She approached everything wide-eyed and full of excitement.  I remember the excitement of three little girls who were so excited of a rabbit for a pet.  I remember them discovering new things.  I remember our girls learning what responsibilities were.  I remember them learning how to share, yet how to protect at the same time.  I look back when Daisy came into our lives and see girls full of innocence, tenderness and wonder. 

I look to the day that is ahead - a time of sorrow today and adventure for tomorrow, and still see the children they were.  Today I see older children that aren't little anymore, and even taller than me.  I see their hearts that have been wounded by trials and hurts that have come their way.  I see tears running down their faces.  I see memories getting farther away from me ... and yet I stand and can see new beginnings.

So perhaps this day is full of sadness because of the loss we are enduring, as we loved that bunny so.  I look through my own tears, and not only remember a bunny.  But I remember the babies we once had.  I long to just go back and embrace those moments.  I long for time to stand still for just a moment.  

But time doesn't stand still.  It moves on.  Today we will bury our friend, our family member.  They will learn to stand with Jesus more and experience how He will overcome their sadness and whatever other trials that lie ahead.  Today as I kiss their tears away, I will remember the innocence, tenderness and wonder they once held of years ago, and I will kiss the same little girls I held onto ten years ago - just bigger in size, and I will be kissing the memories that are yet to come.     

Friday, October 29, 2010


"When will it be our turn?"  A constant question that comes to mind more lately. 

We get the privilege of congratulating many of our friends on the pregnancy and births of their babies.  Some of our friends we have been able to congratulate duplicate and multiple times since we started our journey to adopt.  Truly, I am so happy for my friends.  To see their joy on their faces, the excitement as they embark on a new adventure is truly a joy to see and watch.  A new journey has begun for all of them.  I can honestly say, parenting becomes them very, very well!

We have watched others build their family through adoption.  There story of the adoption journey has ended, and a new journey has just begun.  It is exciting to hear the joys they experiences.

Can I be honest with you?  Can I just say, we desperately want our next journey to begin too!  I think of Lindsay's last year and a half at home, and Katie and Courtney still in a age where they are available, before the craziness of high school life begins. 

But then I remind myself ... God's time is perfect.  So I wait.  I wait with the Lord.

I watch as others experience the first smiles, first steps, first school days, birthdays and holidays ... and I can't help but wonder.  What will it be like?  What will it be like to take Elijah to his first baseball game?  What will it be like to have our first tea party with Ruthie?  What favorite meals are they going to request at dinner time?  I can't help but wonder.

I was asked the other day, if our dog is to replace the kids we are waiting for.  Just in case you are wondering the same thing ... no he isn't.  We don't replace kids with dogs.  There is a clear difference for us.  Sometimes I wonder, as people watch us and wonder, if we are to just stop living until the day arrives.  I don't believe that is what God wants for us.  We are to continue living.

So that is what we will continue to do ... to live our life as God leads.  But I will be honest ... I still will wonder ...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dilemmas ....

On one hand it has been nice to not have hair to sweep up after, and vacuum up.  It has been nice to not have messes in the back yard to have to pick up.  It has been nice to just pick up and go, and not have to worry about who is going to watch the dog.  It has been less to care for in our finances. 

But on the other hand....

There is a sense of security having a dog around.  There has been something missing out of our lives.  Life just seems too empty. 

But do we rescue an older but young dog or start off from the beginning ...

I have always had a soft heart for those older dogs that just hope for a home to go to.  They deserve a home just like the little ones.  I don't have to deal with house training.  I don't have to deal with getting up in the middle of the night.  I don't have to enter a world I have NEVER done before.

But on the other hand...

A puppy would be trained the way we want.  There would be less history (aka: trauma) that comes into our home.  There are five of us to help out. 

And the decision is - meet the newest addition to the Archibald Home.  As of last night, it has been decided that his name will be Judah!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Loveland (the town a half hour up the interstate and where our church is) has been in the news latly.  You may have heard.  Actually, it was the Loveland Art Museum specifically that has been in the news.

To make a long story short, there was a piece of artwork most would see as pornographic and the man in the picture resembled Jesus.  Supposedly.  However as our pastor said "It wasn't my Jesus.".  I know who Jesus is...and I agree.  It wasn't my Jesus

Anyway, a woman drove down from Montana - offended of the piece of art and destroyed it.

To see/hear more of the story from our pastor perspective I will have links at the bottom of the page.  But be WILL experience what God's love is all about and it may just change your life, as it did mine!

I was moved to tears as I heard how to respond in love.  Our pastor acted in obedience to God's word.  It got me looking at my life, and if there was anyone I needed to give love to.

This is my prayer.

Oh God, the other night at church I experienced the love you have for all of your children, and even saw how you call us to love one another.  I was truly overwhelmed.  Your love is so overwhelming.  And yet, we are called to give this overwhelming love away, not just hold onto it.  So with that I will do what you have called me to do. 

So I come to you this morning, I come to you thinking more about Elijah and Ruthie.  But today I am thinking beyond the love for these kids.  I am thinking of the Liberian government - their president, Geebro, Lydia and our US embassy person; Steve Harper, to be precise. 

I confess you you I have judged them.  I have wanted them to be removed as they continue to stand in the way of me and my children.  I have hated them.  I have not loved them as you have called me to.  I have seen them as evil, cold-hearted, not a follower of you, corrupt, selfish and uncaring.  I have put my love for my kids over them.  I have never given them a chance to be heard.  I have cut them off and believed that my way was the truth and was the only way to be seen.  It was the best scenario for our situation.  I also haven't allowed your love to rule over this situation, as I have never known you the way I know you today.  I confess I never saw your love as enough.  I am so sorry for condemning you - and your children.  I am sorry I have put you in a box.  I'm truly sorry.  And I'm sorry I have allowed it to harden my heart - the heart you created to be used by You.

Today it stops!

I know you are getting ready to do great things with Elijah and Ruth, but today I take my eyes of what I want and on your people - who are your heart.

I pray for your blessings to shower upon the Liberian president, upon Geebro, Lydia and Steve Harper.  I pray they too will see you more today as I have.  I pray that they will be blessed beyond measure and will simply just know you.  I pray for protection over them and their families.  I pray they won't be hungry as you continue to provide for their every need.  I pray their hearts are heard and peace fills their lives.  I pray they experience joy and a full knowing and experience that they are so loved my you.  May they see your hand upon them.  I pray they too will celebrate the salvation they have or can have through you.  Thank you for their lives.  Thank you that you can use them and allow Your goodness to shine through them all.

I will continue to faithfully pray for these people.  Thank you for changing my heart and allowing your love to shine through.  I give you praise through this healing.  Amen!!!

To hear our pastor's response to the artist watch the sermon found on these links:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Thanksgiving Came Early This Year

I never saw myself "qualified" to home school.  I just didn't see myself as a great teacher.  I also didn't see myself as full of knowledge when it comes to household responsibilities.  Yes, I love my husband and my kids and feel adequate enough to take care of them.  Yes, I am thrilled when my house is clean, and do what I can to keep it that way.  Yes, I am capable to drive my kids to and fro, and even can manage all five of our schedules.  Yes, I can cook and am even able to keep our books.  But I still wouldn't look at myself and see that I'm one of those home school moms and be able to teach my child all about keeping a home. 

Perhaps I sell myself short...but I find every day I have so much more to learn.  Perhaps, that is where one needs to be so God could begin to start.

One of the adventures of living in Colorado is how we truly have four seasons.  However, fall seems to be short as winter is knocking at the back door.  We enjoy the colors of fall.  Last week we had warnings that our first frost was coming.  And with that ... we looked at our garden and saw there were still vegetables and work to be done!  God has given us so much and we couldn't let it go to waste.
Courtney and I worked hard last Wednesday.  She picked and I prepared for either refrigerating or freezing.  We worked hard.  And enjoyed it.  This was the first year I truly had a heart of celebration and thanksgiving as I saw everything God had done.

And then we remembered.

We remembered the Puritans that we were just studying about.  How more than half of them died in their first winter.  We were exhausted with the little garden we had, and thought of the countless acreage they had to plant in order to prepare for their winters.  We talked and imagined.  Great conversations came from our work.  We remembered how the Puritans left the land they new to be able to come and worship freely.  They were called by God, and they went. 

And then we wondered.

Where would we be today if they allowed fear to stop them?

Do you remember what was happening last Wednesday?

God freed 33 miners from the depth of the earth!  We took the time and watched history.  I wept through each celebration of freedom.  We both thanked God.  Courtney wrote a paper, imagining how she would see the world after being pronounced dead and then being trapped in what could be a grave for months.  She saw how we should live each day as if its our last.

I was reminded of something else the Holy Spirit laid on my heart. 

Proverbs 31.  Courtney was learning how to be a woman of God. 

And then I realized that last Wednesday we celebrated the bounty of what God has provided.  We celebrated the gift of life and freedom of 33 miners.  And we were reminded of our call as women in Christ. 

We celebrated last Wednesday.  We gave thanks.  And we spent the day with God.

We learned more than what we could get out of a text book.  And boy did we learn!

So whether I feel adequate or not, God called me and I will answer.  And I trust He will lay our paths straight...we'll just follow His leading!  And that is the beauty of home schooling!!!