Archibald Family

Archibald Family

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Our Baby is Eleven!

I remembered having an infant, almost 2 yr old, and a 4 1/2 yr old and thinking I have so much time before me - having three teen-agers is a LONG way down the road. And then here I am today, remember what seemed to be yesterday, and asking myself where has the time gone?

Since Lindsay was born people have said to hold onto each moment for it goes so quickly. I never comprehended how quick "quickly" means...until now. I have enjoyed each moment, and continue to do so.

Courtney enjoyed here quiet celebration and is looking for her true celebration this Friday. Instead of having a party, inviting many girls she has chosen to have a "family party" - so come Friday that is exactly what the Archibalds are going to and celebrate the moment we have with each of them.

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