Well, for over a month now Duane and I have been getting so many questions...all on that topic I try to get away from - POLITICS! I didn't like that subject in school, and I don't like arguing what I believe in. But my girls are asking and seeking. So we seek together. I explain to them the way I see it, how others see it, and encourage them to ask questions when they hear others speak on the subject.
Well we had a treat! A once in a life time experience! We had the privilege to go and see Sarah Palin speak at a r
ally that was just down the street from the girls school. I told them to write down the things they saw, make sure you listen to all around you, experience the excitement in the air. Remember, I'm not into politics, but how can you not be after going to a rally? The girls saw all the signs voting for different measures or people, badges and badges being sold, people trying to spoil the event by campaigning for the opponent. It was exciting. After standing three hours in the freezing cold we missed getting into the main building, and saw her on a big screen in the overflow building.
But after her speech was over, she and her family came over and visited us there. The girls were excited.
So Duane and I sat down the night before last and cast our votes. The girls were intrigued by the whole thing. Checked out our ballets, and continued to ask what each measure meant. We reminded them it is our duty to vote, to
make our voice heard how we want our nation to be run. And then I am reminded that the next time we vote for our president, Lindsay will be voting too.
As I have mentioned I am not really into politics. It doesn't mean that I am not concerned with this years elections, believe me I am. But Colorado has an exciting measure on the ballot. That being measure 48, stating that a person is a person at conception. We, of course encourage those Colorado voters out there to Vote yes.
The 21 year old that is responsible for getting this measure on the ballet was at the girl's school today as a guest speaker during chapel. I was encouraged. And I want to encourage all the young that they aren't too young to have a voice and to stir things up, and I remind you God can and will use them for the passions He stirs in you. I have posted a video that was shown during chapel, I hope this stirs encouragement in each of you. I also hope that our state will impact others in the years to come!
(Don't forget to turn off the music at the bottom of the blog as you view this video.)
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