Archibald Family

Archibald Family

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Operation Christmas Child

Each year it is a tradition in the Archibald home to make a shoebox for a "needy" child. Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes and the Good News of God’s love. Since 1993, more than 61 million shoe boxes have been packed, shipped, and delivered across the globe. People of all ages can be involved in this simple, hands-on missions project while focusing on the true meaning of Christmas—Jesus Christ. It has also helped keep our girls minds that it is truly better to give than to receive.
This year we were extremly blessed. Not only did we make our six shoeboxes but the 5th graders were able to deliver part of the 1006 shoeboxes they were encharge of bringing in and see where they were going, and what would happen from there. There they heard a story from a young woman, 18 years of age, who was adopted from Russia at the age of 10. She received one of these shoeboxes at the age of 8. Her story reminded us of how orphans are so looked down upon in their culture, and the dispair they are in. She told us specifically how candy was something that only "rich kids" had, and how she hated brushing her teeth for the toothpaste tasted horrible. What she remembers most in her shoebox she received, was not the toys and gadgets but some candy and her very own toothpaste. I was reminded once again what we take for granted.

The end of the week, I joined the freshman class and journeyed back to Operation Christian Child's distribution center (who also took the rest of the 1006+ boxes). There we searched each shoebox that was packed so carefully with love and made sure there wasn't things that aren't allowed to be in the boxes. We also were able to add a few things to the boxes. We opened, searched and gave, and prayed over the boxes that were sent once again.
Those of you who want to be involved in this ministry, it isn't too late. Please check out their website at Get involved, touch a life of a child!

Courtney's journal....

My favorite thing that we did this year was raising boxes for Operation Christmas Child. I like it because a lot of people said we were not going to make our goal. They thought that because our goal was 1,000 boxes. When they kept saying that, I just kept repeating in my head that anything with God was possible. But I was so glad that we reached our goal of 1,000 boxes. Now all the people that were saying we were not going to make it can believe that we can do anything with God and if we put our mind to it. That is why I am glad we have reached our goal.

Each of us, took something away this year. We are thankful that God calls us to give, for it is through giving that we experience the joy and wonder of God's heart. Thank you, Courtney for sharing with us what you have learned and yes. ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD!

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