When I picture those words, it takes me automatically takes me to the ocean or sea, and I can picture Jesus calming the sea and those on the ship "... were terrified and asked each other 'Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him?'" (Mark 4:41) I searched through God's word that talked about the wind. And what did I find? HE.
HE creates the wind to take away things we think are important, and then find that they weren't important at all. HE created the wind to show us His power. HE determines which way the wind blows in our lives. HE shows us His presense through a gently breeze or a mighty blow. HE is behind the wind. I ponder who HE is.
And as Duane said eariler this week "the wind has been robbed from our sails". But has it? I see that the orphanage project that we have been part of posted their last story titled "Wind in our Sails". What is that? I am brought back to HE...to the Great I AM. It is HE that is in our sails, it is HE that will NEVER leave us. HE caught us off guard last week, but it is HE that remains. HE doesn't always makes sense, only because it is my human mind that can't fathom all of who HE is. But I contininue to trust in HE, for HE still remains faithful.
Rachel lived a life that showed her faith. She heard who HE was. She trusted HE with her full life. HE told me "Watch me. I am going to do great things." And HE did and continues to do so. HE let this girl live 3 years longer than diagnosed. HE proved time and time again, HE was in control - not the doctors, not their diangosis, not even Rachel's mom or dad, not even Rachel. HE had control. Rachel's favorite verse was "Go therefore and made disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit taching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:19-20) Rachel lived her favorite verse.
My best-friend is hurting. What do I say? Nothing. Pray for her. Cry with her. Laugh with her. Grieve with her. Her words on this blog would be telling each of you to love your babies now and each day. To remind you, we think these babies are ours, but they are HE's first. HE knows them before we know of them. HE knows each hair on their head, HE knows each one by name, HE knows when He is going to call them home...and only HE knows. And with that we are to enjoy these gifts, these blessings every moment we breath. We are to be thankful to HE, who has allowed us to be part of our children's lives, and allowed us to take care of them however long HE has chosen.
I admire my friend. I appreciate how she has taught me how to lean on God in every circumstance. How HE answers every question we have. How even through the hardest challenges she, I and you can trust in HE, who will hold us. HE remains to be the wind in my friend's sails, and HE is the wind in mine.
1 comment:
Hi Karen,
Thank you again for sharing your heart and your faith in our glorious Savior. Your questions and ponderings are so true of all true believers, at times we struggle with God but HE is always faithful to bring us back to a correct view of Him.
My heart grieves for your friend, her family, yourself and your family. I knew this story of this girl too. There are several people from my church that knew the family or taught at the school she attended a few years back. I have been praying for Rachel and her family for a couple of years now. It is interesting to me how your path and my path never crossed after high school but we have so many things, people and doings in common.
Continue to look to HIM alone,
With love and care,
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