I’m thankful for our small group where I am welcomed, supported and loved.
I’m so thankful for God’s healings in my life, especially the freedom in it; I’m thankful to be alive and serve the King of the Most High; for a Christian school and our church; for technology and transportation that makes the world smaller; for girls who do appreciate, love and encourage me; pets who show faithfulness and love; a heart for Africa and the people there.
I’m thankful my husband remains beside me, behind me and before me; I’m thankful for his touch and how it still excites me.
I’m thankful for the beauty of the outdoors, how I have been able to experience the salt air and serenity of the ocean as well as the splendor of the mountain tops.
I’m thankful I have been able to hold Elijah and Ruth in my arms, and witness the beauty of seeing Lindsay, Katie and Courtney enter the world. I’m thankful God has carried me through those valleys when I couldn't even stand.
I’m thankful death doesn’t mean the end but only the beginning.
I am so thankful for Jesus, who came down to earth and took my beatings, was ridiculed and beaten, then died on the cross so I could live forever more with my God. I’m thankful for God’s friendship and for Him being my Father.
I’m thankful for protection everyday as we drive the interstate; the quietness and stillness of the morning before anyone’s awake.
I’m thankful for tears but especially the joy that comes in the morning. I’m thankful for quiet times where I meet God face to face; journaling; bible study and His word. I am thankful for God’s word and how I can stand on His promises. I am thankful for His hope and a future; a God who doesn’t condemn but has our best interest at heart; His provisions.
I’m thankful for caterpillars and seeing them turn into butterflies; for the beauty of watching the sunrise from the prairie to it’s setting over the ocean. I’m so thankful I was allowed to see so much of His creation on safari.
I’m thankful for each stage the girls have gone through and finding the terrible two’s weren’t terrible but terrific and the teenage years don’t push their parents away but need them even more.
I’m very thankful for God’s creation in me, his fingerprints all over me and how He dances over me; and thankful Duane and the girls have too put their faith in God and I can have peace they too have a future. I’m thankful our God reigns!
I’m thankful I am His and all these things He has allowed me to experience. To God Be All The Glory!
From Our Home to Yours, Happy Thanksgiving! May you find a joyful heart as you experience the reasons we have to be thankful, and find peace as you experience the One we thank.