Archibald Family

Archibald Family

Thursday, July 8, 2010

What I Miss...

I miss the way you hold on to me as you call me "Mama".

I miss your smile and the way you laugh.

I miss holding you.

I miss you being my constant shadow.

I miss reading to you.

I miss taking care of you.

I miss watching you play with your cars and holding your doll.

I miss seeing you.

I miss watching you on your Daddy's shoulders and him giving you "horse rides".

I miss seeing you read the Bible with your Daddy.

I miss how quick you talk, and me trying to catch every word you say.

I miss hearing you sing "Yes, Lord, Yes Lord, Yes, yes, Lord!".

I miss hearing you sing with confidence knowing your Heavenly Father hears you.

I miss you pushing others away from me, so you may have me all to yourself.

I miss even your pout and crying to get your way.

I miss watching you as you talk to your Papa, and looking for him to come and get you.

I miss your call in the early morning hours.

I miss watching you learn your letters and how to write them, using your left hand.

I miss tucking you in bed at night.

I miss the sound of your breathing.

I miss seeing you in your room, across from ours.

I miss knowing you are fed and taken care of when you aren't feeling well.

I miss watching you run after your friends or carried by the older girls.

I miss playing with you.

I miss seeing you in our family pictures.

I miss having you on our family outings and vacations.

I miss talking to you.

I miss you copying things I say.

I miss watching you play and interact with your sisters.

I miss seeing you play with your new friend down the street.

I miss introducing you to new things, and watching you experiencing them.

I miss telling you how much I love you, and you knowing you are loved.

Oh, Elijah and Ruthie ... how much I do miss you both! 

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