I wasn't going to post...I thought I would wait. And then I realized that it isn't right to put one big post in and cover all the things God has done, but rather recognize all the things He does during the time it is revealed. I serve a big God! I have committed myself to going to our intercessory prayer time on Thursday mornings. What brought me there was Elijah. I was willing to take a couple hours of my week and devote myself to not only praying for Elijah, but also seeking my God even more. I want more of Him, more of His glory but even more of a personal relationship with Him (because the more I get to know Him, the more I want to know Him more). I love my God! So yesterday in our prayer time, I experienced chains broken and mountains removed. I prayed for it in Liberia...and at 9:50am (mountain time) something changed...something moved and only moved because of God!
This morning I sing thanksgivings for we have received Elijah's birth certificate. This is a vital piece of information that we haven't been able to get. This morning it is accessible to see.
Thanks you to everyone who is continuing to pray for this situation. Please join with me in thanking our God for hearing our prayers...and even thanking God for the work He has done and is doing that we haven't even seen. There is going to be a huge meeting on Monday, please continue to pray for these orphans and God's will to be done.